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Zane said: "Google groups (works on both 'puter and webby), and Outlook
Express ('puter only). Both allow you to use a non-webtv addy to escape
the spam."
Ok, here's the problem. Google is now requiring a password to logon to
Groups & to Blogger. I can't do either from WebTV. I get redirected to
some junk about "cookies." They really mean my browser's too old. I've
tried every workaround I could. Mobile Google, source viewers to find
login links... you name it.
I've written half a dozen emails to both Google AND Blogger about this.
I can't write posts to my blog from Webtv and WebTV users can't post
comments. We can read the blog, though. But, since it's a blog about
MSNTV, it feels like cheating to write from a COMPUTER! LOL
I've made a workaround for posting from WebTV. I went in on the PC and
set the email posting device. I now have a blogger address to which I
can email posts which appear immediately in my blog.
This saves me a lot of hassle, as I was CCping everything I wrote in
alt.discuss & WebTV email and emailing it to my Hotmail account, so I
could CCp it again from the PC to post to blogger. See how complicated
that was?
But I couldn't have set up the email posting gismo without the pc.
How the heck are you accessing the Google groups from a webtv? or are
Burying the lead here: does anybody know how to get past Google's
refusal to make login accessible to our dinosaurs? sigh.
Best wishes from Rogi Riverstone
09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007 01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008 02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009 01/01/2011 - 02/01/2011 03/01/2011 - 04/01/2011