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Monday, January 08, 2007

YAHOO info/links 

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YAHOO info/links

Group: news:alt.discuss.msntv.help Date: Tue, Dec 26, 2006,
10:12am (MST-1) From: spade1313
(spade1313 --)
How to Get Back to Old Yahoo Mailbox
1) sign in
2) hit the info key to see address
which will look something like

all you need is the f and 3 digit number (for every
account the number is different)
3) change the following link to your number and you'll
retrograde back to the old yahoo box

for example if your number is f500, the link is

if your number is f360, the link is

(keep your address for future use in case yahoo tries
to upgrade your mailbox again or if you log in your
account from a computer which will upgrade your
you can also change the link by clicking one of the
above links after signing in use the go to button
followed by show last and change the link in the go to
box to your number. Once you change the number you'll
go from the Log In has Expired Page to your inbox.
Yahoo Mail Upgrade Page Bypass:
if you're stuck on the annoying yahoo mail
beta/upgrade notice page when you sign in, reload the
page twice and you'll go to your mail box
Bigger Yahoo Search Box:
Reporting Abuse Yahoo:
Yahoo Hide Online Status:

Yahoo Marketing Preferences:
sign in & uncheck boxes to unsubscribe
Yahoo Mail Avoiding Deletion:
When are dormant accounts removed?

If an account has not been logged into for over four
months, it will become "dormant."
Dormant accounts are de-activated at the end of four
months. Once an account is deactivated, you will no
longer have access regardless of whether or not email
has been received in the account during that time.
Once an account has been de-activated, we cannot
retrieve any of the information that was formerly
stored in it.
Please Note: Subscribing to any of the Yahoo! Mail
Premium Services will prevent your account from going
dormant due to inactivity. To learn more about the
individual services and sign up, please visit:
Yahoo! Mail Plus
Yahoo! Mail Personal Address
By subscribing to one of the Yahoo! Mail Premium
Services, you will no longer need to sign in
periodically to keep your account active.
Yahoo Shortcuts/Blank Page Problem fix
new yahoo shortcut ad appears on top of page causing a
blank screen. I've only seen the problem come up on
one of my accounts once. So far I've been trying to
get the blank screen back so I can test solutions out.
So I can only tell you what worked for me.
Either one of these links should work (I switched back
to the old version before using, but I don't think if
it matters much) <--- Instructions for old yahoo mail switch are on the bottom note: replace f101 with your number (see instructions on bottom) This is the one Yahoo shortcuts gives you if the ad loads: http://us.f101.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Preferences?YY=0&y5beta=yes&consentLW=1

I used the next one because the ad didn't load and all
I saw was a blank screen (nearly identical). on the
old version of yahoo mail it brings up the two yahoo
mailboxes glitch on one page (one upper and one lower)
click check mail on the lower half visible half and
you're in.

How to Get Back to Old Yahoo Mailbox
1) sign in
2) hit the info key to see address
which will look something like

all you need is the f and 3 digit number (for every
account the number is different)
3) change the following link to your number and you'll
retrograde back to the old yahoo box

for example if your number is f500, the link is

if your number is f360, the link is

(keep your address for future use in case yahoo tries
to upgrade your mailbox again or if you log in your
account from a computer which will upgrade your
you can also change the link by clicking one of the
above links after signing in use the go to button
followed by show last and change the link in the go to
box to your number. Once you change the number you'll
go from the Log In has Expired Page to your inbox.

Update, 1/15:

Larry, I'm sorry. I don't know a good way to get around this junk withYahoo.Yahoo automatically suspends or deletes email accounts for inactivityafter a certain number of days. They don't CARE that you're the ownerof, or poster to, various Yahoo groups, even though they use your@yahoo.com address to allow you to post! But they'll suspend yourowner/moderator privileges in a heart beat!You probably haven't been "banned" for violation of their Terms ofService. Of course, I don't KNOW you, but you don't seem like aterrorist, spammer, pedophile or other reprobate to me! You're probablycut off because you weren't using your yahoo mail in the required time.It's an automatic program Yahoo has. No work around.One thing I'd suggest is trying to restore the old email address byre-sign up. It probably won't work, as your yahoo addy is listed in thegroups. But it's worth a try.If that doesn't work, you're going to have to change up your groups, ifyou're the owner. That means, starting new ones and shutting the oldones down (more below.)So, you can sign up for a BRAND NEW Yahoo email address. Just use one ofyour OTHER "user names" on your webtv account. Or, you can use a HotMailaddress, Angelfire....any online email service that's accessible toWebTV. They won't know you're the same person. Then, you can post in the groups, by signing up as a new member of eachgroup.If you're the owner of some groups, you can STILL be able to post inthem. You can announce you're having to create a new group, explain why,and move everybody over to the new one. I'm sorry to say you'll loseyour old post archives. But you can, with a great deal of work (maybesome group members can help you?) move any photos, links, etc. you'vestored in the briefcase sections on the left sidebars of the groups.It's a big pain in the butt, I know.You can TRY to contact Yahoo, but I know how THAT works. Either you getno reply at all, or you get a mailbot that acts like a chimp on crack,assumes YOU don't know what YOU're talking about, but really doesn'tunderstand a thing you've said, and is just puking out canned replies toa few, key words in your emails. grr.Now, if you look VERY carefully in the "contact us" or "about us"sections of Yahoo's (or other people's) websites, you MAY actually comeacross an email address that's connected to a live human being, or youmight get REAL lucky and find a PHONE NUMBER to Yahoo. Don't hold yourbreath, but miracles do still happen.My first suggestion is that you TRY to reapply for your original emailaddress at Yahoo, and see what happens.Do NOT say or do anything threatening, no matter HOW frustrated you are!Go to the newsgroups, if you need a shoulder. That's what we're herefor!Good luck, my brother!The Webbies united can probably be defeated, but we'll make 'em bleedwhile we're going down!

posted by Rogi  # 1/08/2007 07:27:00 AM
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