You're reading to those THOUSANDS of idiotic banner ads! And, boy, doesn't table/scope art look GREAT with ads for gambling, male enhancement and other, toxic garbage???
Yeah, Tripod will knock my box off line. Angelfire will, too. Geocities spins like a dervish and clogs my cache.
Mobile phone technology is impacting some sites, such as Google, to reduce the crap through which one must wade in order to access a URL.Hence, there are several new search engines, designed to make URLS easier for mobile phones.They REALLY help with webtv!
This is my MSNTV resources
page: have a stripped-down eBay tool and Netflix.Just above these, you'll see two links for google. The first is an easier-loading search engine. Then, once you find your URL, past it into the form field of the SECOND Google link I have on the page. It'll present you with a clean-as-a-whistle, fast-loading URL. It even works on complicated blog sites, with scads of links & photos.
I don't leave home without it!!
The cell phone is rescuing WebTV's crippled, old browser.