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Rogi's Kitchen Table.
I'm trying to show samples of what I'm able to do with web site building, so maybe some sucker, uh, customer, will hire me.
I swiped this idea from somebody a loooong time ago. I can't remember who. HMS56 knows, but he won't tell me.
I gussied it up a bit and added some junk, but basically it's all a stolen idea.
But it's a good thing I did it, because the original phony status board seems to have bitten the dust. I can't find it anywhere!
WHat was broken was the javascript on the "done" button. It would only produce the first pop up in the sequence.
I finally found a script, after looking for a couple of hours, and fixing it my way for at LEAST another hour.
It was a pain in the garbanzos, believe me.
But the more I put out there, that people might actually post around the internet, the more likely someone will stumble across me and PAY ME for how not stupid I am! LOL
Rogi's Status Board. Computers, this won't look like anything to you; it's got graphics which are behind the MSNTV firewall, which I cannot copy into a format you can see. Sorry. But click the "done" button, anyway...