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Beware: new worm disguised as Email from PayPal out
Date: Fri, Nov 14, 2003, 2:52pm (MST-1)
From: BeeDiana
W32/Mimail-I began spreading yesterday on the Internet
Story by Paul Roberts
NOVEMBER 14, 2003 ( IDG NEWS SERVICE ) - A new e-mail worm is spreading on the Internet and posing as a message from PayPal Inc., the online payment company, in an effort to harvest credit card numbers and account passwords, leading antivirus companies warned today. W32/Mimail-I is a new version of the Mimail worm, which first appeared in August, and is believed to be the first e-mail worm specifically designed to steal personal financial and account information, an online crime known as phishing.
Mimail-I first appeared late yesterday in what antivirus experts believe was a massive e-mail "seeding," in which spam programs are used to distribute messages containing the virus attachment, according to Craig Schmugar, a virus research engineer at McAfee Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team, or AVERT, which is part of Network Associates Inc. Like earlier editions of Mimail, the I-variant can also spread by itself. The worm contains its own SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) e-mail engine and harvests e-mail addresses from victims' computers, Schmugar said.
Unlike earlier versions of Mimail, the new variant contains a message that tells recipients that their PayPal account will soon expire and that they need to re-enter their credit card information through "our secure application," referring to the executable file attached to the e-mail message
PayPal is owned by Ebay.Inc
Full story is here: