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Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Spam Heads 

OK: I wrote to spam@webtv.net and asked WHY they couldn't filter out huge emails from dubious email services, since they're worms and viruses. Never got a reply, of course. Today, I saw this in MSNTV Propoganda Central:

MSN TV's latest anti-spam measures

Noticed more unwanted mail lately?

We have!

To help decrease the amount of unwanted mail ("spam") you get, soon we will begin discarding e-mails that contain these file types: .exe, .pif, .bat, .scr, and .com.

Files with these extensions often contain viruses or are attached to spam and are meant for a personal computer. They have no purpose or use on MSN TV. Except for discarding these e-mails, this change to our e-mail service should not interfere with delivery of your other e-mail messages.

Except, you see, SOME of us MSNTV users have lives BEYOND the firewall, and actually correspond with ~gasp~ COMPUTER USERS, some of whom don't REALIZE MSNTV can't view such files.

So, instead of scanning large emails from KNOWN SPAM OUTLETS ONLY, you're going to block ALL such emails. That means, I'll be missing some important correspondence.

Thank you very much.


posted by Rogi  # 10/14/2003 07:39:00 PM
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