I see far too many posts like these.
Re: When is it acceptable or even rational to hate?
Group: news:alt.discuss.philosophy
Date: Tue, Sep 9, 2003, 5:37am (MDT-1)
From: MarieES@webtv.net
I believe it is never right to hate.
What does hate accomplish.???
Doesn't hate create Wars? I know that most of you will agree on this. If you don't well than you are not to bright.
We have so hate in the world that is getting out of hand. We got The KKK,
black Panters, the homos who hate those who oppose their chosen lifestyles.
Hate has been around a long time.
I take the stand that Christ said, "Love the Sinner but HATE the sin.
Jews & Christians cannot get along for the most part. Every group that hates justifies it. They want pity. Not from me.
The Jews said "Crucify Him" and the Romans carried out the plan.
I pray for all of you who don't know the love of Jesus Christ and the Father.
God is Love. He gave His life for all of us.
How do we show that appreciation.?
By sinning or by doing good works?
I suggest you who do not believe better think again. Hell is for ENTERNITY