We had a baaad morning recently.
Re: MsnTV This Morning
Group: alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.misc.wow
Date: Fri, Sep 5, 2003, 10:14am (MDT-1)
From: (Rogi Riverstone)
uck. I'm expecting an echeck to clear at PayPal today. I NEED it to clear today, so I can transfer it to my bank acc't. before the weekend.
Fighting the LBB is not amusing, under the circumstances.
And, of course, I feel obliged to reload my PayPal account history page fifty seven times a visit, not knowing if the LBB is playing games with cookies, cache, etc.
They picked the WRONG day to play games!
Every time I turn the LBB on, I break out into a sweat!
BTW: sent myself 4 emails w/some scripting code in them today; they all
took TWENTY FIVE MINUTES to come into my own email box!
Guess I'd better get my tin cup & go out panhandling....
Someone suggested I go to the Public Library to use a computer.
my reply:
Re: MsnTV This Morning - Sarge
Group: alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.misc.wow
Date: Fri, Sep 5, 2003, 11:39am (MDT-1)
Fortunately, my PayPal acc't. credited me with the payment and I was able to transfer it into my bank account!
I deal with an unscrupulous property mgmt. company whose primary goal in life is to squeeze as much blood out of their tenants as possible.
I was desperate to pay my rent before I could incur a late fee.
I have mailed a check to the company, accompanied by a letter requesting they not deposit the check before Tuesday, unless I call them to let them know the funds have transferred early.
I included a copy of my PayPal email, announcing that the transfer has been made.
I made the mistake, the last time I moved, of taking a Direct Deposit Advance of a month's income. I needed it for deposits, etc.
I've had to take advances every month since to pay rent. The fees cost me $500� per year.
My new employer advanced me $500., so I'd no longer have to make Advances.
The money cleared at 10am today. That will save me almost $40 for just this month.
The less I have to subsidize my slum lord AND my predatory lender bank, the happier I'll be!
Thank you for your suggestions. I'd thought of that, myself.
I can ALMOST walk to the library from here.